Hello,and welcome to my website!In this website,you will learn aboutĀ fruits and vegetables,what their importance is,and how you can be by eating these fruits and vegetables.To start off easy,what are fruits and vegetables?
Fruits and vegetables
[img src=https://priya14.iisummer.info/wp-content/flagallery/fruits-and-vegetables/thumbs/thumbs_broccoli.jpg]1040Broccoli
A broccoli is a green vegetable which is
very healthy for you.
Sometimes,people love steamed broccoli.[img src=https://priya14.iisummer.info/wp-content/flagallery/fruits-and-vegetables/thumbs/thumbs_lemon-lime.jpg]790Lemon and lime
When tasted raw,both lemons and limes taste sour.
However,lemons are yellow while limes
are green. [img src=https://priya14.iisummer.info/wp-content/flagallery/fruits-and-vegetables/thumbs/thumbs_olives.jpg]500Olives
Olives are very juicy,
while some have pits.
There are two kinds of olives:black olives,
which are very juicy,
and have no pits,
while green olives
are green and have pits. [img src=https://priya14.iisummer.info/wp-content/flagallery/fruits-and-vegetables/thumbs/thumbs_474209955.jpg]380Balance Scale
Every day,we should limit how much fruits
and veggies we should eat every day.
In this way,you will
be healthy every day.
[img src=https://priya14.iisummer.info/wp-content/flagallery/fruits-and-vegetables/thumbs/thumbs_apricots.jpg]360Apricots
An apricots' color is
usually a mix of red,
orange,and a little bit
of yellow.There are pits in the middle of an apricot,if you ever
get to eat one. [img src=https://priya14.iisummer.info/wp-content/flagallery/fruits-and-vegetables/thumbs/thumbs_blackberries.jpg]440Blackberries
A blackberry is a fruit
that is black.It is usually soft and sweet.
A broccoli is a green vegetable which is
very healthy for you.
Sometimes,people love steamed broccoli.[img src=https://priya14.iisummer.info/wp-content/flagallery/fruits-and-vegetables/thumbs/thumbs_lemon-lime.jpg]790Lemon and lime
When tasted raw,both lemons and limes taste sour.
However,lemons are yellow while limes
are green. [img src=https://priya14.iisummer.info/wp-content/flagallery/fruits-and-vegetables/thumbs/thumbs_olives.jpg]500Olives
Olives are very juicy,
while some have pits.
There are two kinds of olives:black olives,
which are very juicy,
and have no pits,
while green olives
are green and have pits. [img src=https://priya14.iisummer.info/wp-content/flagallery/fruits-and-vegetables/thumbs/thumbs_474209955.jpg]380Balance Scale
Every day,we should limit how much fruits
and veggies we should eat every day.
In this way,you will
be healthy every day.
[img src=https://priya14.iisummer.info/wp-content/flagallery/fruits-and-vegetables/thumbs/thumbs_apricots.jpg]360Apricots
An apricots' color is
usually a mix of red,
orange,and a little bit
of yellow.There are pits in the middle of an apricot,if you ever
get to eat one. [img src=https://priya14.iisummer.info/wp-content/flagallery/fruits-and-vegetables/thumbs/thumbs_blackberries.jpg]440Blackberries
A blackberry is a fruit
that is black.It is usually soft and sweet.
First of all,fruits and vegetables are food that help you keep healthy and nutritious.Eating one each day can help you keep healthy and nutricious.Find out how you can be slim and trim and not to have go on diets.